Certified public accounts (CPA)

 Kshs. 18,000 per Section

This is a KASNEB examined course. A section runs for 6 months. The entry requirement for this course is KCSE C+ and above

NO.                                        UNITS, SECTION.
1 PART I Section 1 ·         Financial Accounting

·         Business Law

·         Entrepreneurship and Communication


Section 2




·         Economics

·         Management Accounting

·         Public Finance and Taxation


2 PART II Section 3 ·         Company Law

·         Financial Management

·         Financial Reporting




Section 4 ·         Auditing and Assurance

·         Management Information Systems

·         Quantitative Analysis

3 PART III Section 5 ·         Strategy, Governance and Ethics

·         Advanced Management Accounting

·         Advanced Financial Management

  Section 6 ·         Advanced Public Finance and Taxation

·         Advanced Auditing and Assurance

·         Advanced Financial Reporting




Duration: 6 months per section

Exam Body: KASNEB

Grade: Minimum C+ and Above