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ICDL – Scala Institute


International Computer Driving License

International Computer Driving License is an international digital literacy qualification, used to measure ability to expertly use computerized devices like computers, tablets and laptops. The course is conducted using the ICDL Curriculum

Units offered include:

                                                      Course Time
1 Computer Essentials 20 hrs.
2 Word Processing Using Microsoft Office Word 2013 20 hrs.
3 Online Essentials 10 hrs.
4 Spreadsheet Using Microsoft Office Excel 2013 20 hrs.
5 Databases Using Microsoft Access 2013 20 hrs.
6 IT Security 10 hrs.
7 Presentation Using Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2013 10 hrs.

On successful completion of the course students will undertake  this course can sit for ICDL Exams at an extra cost.

Participants will be required to pay ICDL Registration fee of KSh 4,000.00/= for the ICDL ONLINE profile and then be able to attempt testing